Viaje a Chile con A Broader View Volunteers, nuestra organización benéfica sin fines de lucro altamente calificada. Los programas de voluntariado se basan en la ciudad costera de La Serena. Los voluntarios pueden elegir entre 4 opciones de programas disponibles en La Serena Chile.
Hemos hecho grandes mejoras en la vida cotidiana de los huérfanos y niños chilenos con los que trabajamos. El apoyo voluntario de ABV ha ayudado a ampliar los servicios de orfanato, ha contribuido a mejorar los niveles de alfabetización en el preescolar y ha proporcionado horas de atención y preocupación por los niños pequeños.
Con alojamiento disponible hasta 10 voluntarios, A Broader View ha acogido a cientos de grupos de estudiantes de secundaria, grupos de voluntarios familiares en La Serena Chile. Para muchos estudiantes de secundaria, su servicio en Chile tiene en cuenta el crédito académico o de servicio comunitario a través de su escuela. Los programas de voluntarios adolescentes (16-19) son populares durante las vacaciones de primavera e invierno y para los proyectos de misiones de verano en el extranjero. Si tiene un grupo de 5 o más interesados en ser voluntarios juntos, se pueden organizar programas personalizados. A Broader View Volunteers tiene una amplia experiencia trabajando con estudiantes y profesores proporcionando viajes de servicio a medida para grupos pequeños.
¡Las sorprendentes maravillas naturales de Chile, su rica historia cultural, su gente amable y su gobierno estable lo convierten en un lugar ideal para visitar y ser voluntario! Aunque Chile cuenta con una de las economías más estables de América del Sur, Chile sufre de una de las distribuciones de riqueza más desiguales del mundo.
Se estima que casi el 60% de los chilenos viven cerca o por debajo de los niveles de pobreza, y casi 3 millones viven en pobreza extrema. El proyecto ABV Volunteers se centra en apoyar a los niños de Chile, en un orfanato muy grande y en varias escuelas de La Serena.
Descripción General
- Duración del proyecto: De 1 a 8 semanas
- Aeropuerto de llegada: La Serena
- Horario de trabajo: De lunes a viernes de 7 a 8 horas por día
- Requisitos: Record policial / Reporte de pago.
- Opcional: Lecciones de inmersión en el español
- Límites de edad: Mínimo 17 años o más para viajar solo.
- Edad mínima: De 12 a 16 años si viaja con sus padres.
- Aerolíneas: Lan Chile, American, United, Delta, Iberia, Avianca
- Vacunas: Vacuna de rutina, hepatitis A y fiebre tifoidea.
Información del país
Introducción acerca del país
¿Estás listo para ayudar a las personas necesitadas, sumergirte en las vistas, sonidos y cultura de un nuevo país y tener la experiencia de tu vida? Con la pobreza, las enfermedades y la falta de proveedores calificados que ponen una presión sobre servicios importantes como la salud y el cuidado de niños en los países en desarrollo de todo el mundo, hay muchos rincones del mundo que dependen de la ayuda de viajeros voluntarios como usted.
Conviértete en voluntario en Chile con A Broader View una organización benéfica sin fines de lucro mejor valorada, que trabaja incansablemente para apoyar a nuestros maravillosos voluntarios y servir a las comunidades locales donde se encuentran nuestros programas de voluntariado. Las ubicaciones en Chile se encuentran en la ciudad colonial de La Serena. Las colocaciones del programa se adaptan a los intereses del voluntario y su conjunto de habilidades, asimismo permite a los voluntarios tiempo para explorar la cultura y las actividades locales andinas durante su tiempo libre.
El tipo de programas en Chile varían ampliamente, ofreciendo todo, desde la educación hasta la atención médica. Los voluntarios pueden elegir entre siete opciones en La Serena. La ayuda voluntaria internacional no sólo es apreciada por la comunidad local, sino que es severamente necesaria por los millones de chilenos que viven por debajo del umbral de pobreza. Con miles de niños viviendo y trabajando en las calles, como es tan a menudo en países en desarrollo como Chile, nuestros programas de voluntariado están diseñados para apoyar las necesidades de adolescentes y niños locales que necesitan asistencia desesperadamente.
Muchos de nuestros programas de voluntariado en el extranjero atienden a los requisitos de atención, educación y salud de mujeres y niños desfavorecidos. Nuestra amplia gama de programas sociales en La Serena, Chile incluye: pasantías médicas, pre-médicos/pre-enfermeras en un centro de atención de ancianos, enseñanza en escuelas primarias y secundarias y voluntariado en orfanatos y guarderías. Para ayudarle a establecerse en su ubicación, también ofrecemos la oportunidad de combinar todos nuestros programas con lecciones de inmersión en español durante su tiempo en Chile.
Los viajes a misiones en Chile es una experiencia increíblemente gratificante. Damos la bienvenida a voluntarios de todas las edades y de todos los orígenes para unirse a nosotros. Ya sea que esté buscando programas voluntarios en el extranjero para estudiantes universitarios o trabajo voluntario para mayores de 60 años, como una organización sin fines de lucro de confianza que prioriza la seguridad de nuestros voluntarios, somos el lugar de acceso para voluntarios en todo el mundo. También ofrecemos programas personalizados con fechas de llegada flexibles para adaptarse mejor a las necesidades de los notables voluntarios de los que dependemos para ayudarnos a hacer del mundo un lugar mejor.
Si desea ser voluntario, Chile es solo uno de los países que hemos tomado bajo nuestra ala, proporcionando un flujo constante de voluntarios y proporcionando apoyo financiero durante todo el año a proyectos locales en La Serena. Dondequiera que decidas ser voluntario, A Broader View te da la oportunidad de participar en un trabajo significativo de servicio comunitario, aprender un idioma extranjero, hacer amigos de toda la vida y descubrir que una persona realmente puede hacer una diferencia. Su búsqueda de los mejores programas de voluntariado en el extranjero termina aquí - voluntario en Chile con nosotros y obtener una visión más amplia del mundo.

Bienvenido a Chile. Mi nombre es Vilma y soy su coordinador a ABV mientras usted se hospeda en Chile. Nuestro país tiene una gran ciudad, Santiago y 15 regiones. Pero usted estará trabajando en La Serena, que es un lugar de 400.000 habitantes de más de 18 millones de habitantes. Estaré listo para el apoyo 24/7 en caso de que necesite ponerse en contacto conmigo urgentemente. Le presentaré su ubicación de voluntario y personal.
Le invitamos a buscar mi ayuda y no dude en hacerme preguntas mientras está en el país.
La Serena tiene un clima fresco desértico. Los veranos y los inviernos son muy secos. La lluvia cae sólo unas pocas veces al año en fuertes aguaceros. Aunque la temperatura durante el día es muy caliente, puede bajar fuertemente durante la noche y a veces por debajo de la congelación.
¿Cuál es el mejor momento para ir a La Serena en Chile? Estos son algunos datos meteorológicos anuales que recopilamos de nuestros datos históricos sobre clima:
- Durante los meses de enero, febrero, marzo y diciembre es más probable que experimente un buen tiempo con temperaturas medias agradables.
- La Serena tiene períodos secos en enero, febrero, marzo, abril, mayo, agosto, septiembre, octubre, noviembre y diciembre.
- En promedio, el mes más cálido es enero.
- En promedio, el mes más fresco es julio.
- Febrero es el mes más seco.
Ciudad: La Serena | Población: 400000 | Idiomas: Español
Moneda: Peso Chileno (CLP) | Zona Horaria: UTC−06:00
Reviews & Multimedia
This was the second time I volunteered and I am really Grateful for this wonderful experience. The orphanage is far and not even in La Serena it took me normally at least 45 min by bus (traffic its 8 miles from the house) to get there…
Then coming to Vilma’s home I was very happy to be greeted with amazing food. And along came the first day of volunteering where I was very nervous but settled in after a couple of days, teachers started to talk to me more and the kids would greet me when the would see me come in
Chile I had a wonderful experience working with the children and elderly people. I learned so much about Chilean culture and really improved my Spanish. I also made some great friends with other ABV volunteers and people at my work.
Photos Gallery
Prices for Chile
Program Fees
Since A Broader View Volunteers is a 501 c(3) charitable organization, You can fundraise (optional) for the expenses of the trip after you get confirmed in our programs. Prices are per person and in US dollars (US$).
Length of program | Program Fee $USD |
1 week | $895 |
2 weeks | $1050 |
3 weeks | $1295 |
4 weeks | $1295 |
5 weeks | $1495 |
6 weeks | $1495 |
7 weeks | $1730 |
8 weeks | $1730 |
Country / weeks | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Chile - Language Immersion | $1140 | $1480 | $1820 | $2160 |
- Accommodation: Host family
- Meals: Week: Breakfast, lunch and dinner Weekends: breakfast and dinner, no lunch
- Arrival: Airport meet and greet by ABV Staff
- Orientation: Project Overview On-Site
- Support: Pre-trip written guide, In-country ABV staff available 24/7
- Departure: ABV Staff Escorted Airport Transfer
Extra costs: Flights to Chile. Entry Visa (if applicable). Departure taxes. Vaccinations. Local Transportation. Travel & Health Insurance (approx. us$53). Laundry and Internet (paid in advance to the host family: us$10 and us$15).
Meals & Food
Volunteers are provided breakfast, lunch, and dinner at their accommodation during the week and Breakfast and dinner for the weekend. Breakfast typically consists of toast, fruit, eggs, cereal accompanied by tea or coffee. Dinner usually includes meat (cow, chicken), potato, rice, vegetables and cazuela (soup), empanadas, pastel de choclo, all national dishes of Chile. Volunteers are usually away from their accommodation mid-day so they take a lunch bag. We recommend budgeting between US$5 and US$10 per day to purchase lunch if you don't return to the host family, let the host family know if you change the lunch plans. If you have specific dietary requirements, our local teams and home-stays can customize to you but be flexible as well.
Start Dates
Most of our programs run year round, you can start any volunteer/internship program on any day. When you apply you will lets know your start and end dates. Our programs run year round and have volunteers arriving almost every day from many different countries.
Since our programs sometimes depend on the local holiday calendar, there are brief occasions when normal programs work is suspended. For example, schools/daycares often close for long winter/summer vacations. During these times, we arrange for alternative work programs that are similar in substance to our ongoing programs, but address the short-term, direct needs of the local communities.
If you would like to arrange your start and end dates around the local holidays, please call us at 1.866.423.3258 or email us at [email protected].
Money Matters
A Broader View Volunteers work tirelessly year round to support our volunteers, and also to serve the local communities where ABV projects are based. As a tax-exempt 501 c(3) organization A Broader View receive 100% of our funding from volunteer contributions. Through your program fee contribution our non-profit charity organization can operate beneficial humanitarian aid programs which are successful and continuous supported year round.
Local, professional full-time coordinators, placement logistics, airport pick up and departure transportation, arrival orientation, food & local accommodations, are a major part of providing a safe, meaningful volunteer experience. When you join A Broader View, you will receive pre-trip visa and vaccination support, assistance with flights, fundraising planning, through our interactive online volunteer portal. Our local partners not only benefit from volunteers valuable contributions at the project, they benefit financially with year-round monetary support from A Broader View. In the last decade A Broader View has donated over 4.5 million dollars in international aid.
By joining A Broader View you are not only helping to make a difference during your own trip, your impact will last even after you go home.
Tour and weekend trips
Once in country, our local coordinator can help you find the most reliable and safe tour agencies for weekend trips, you can pay in cash or in most locations with a credit card. These tours are not part of the ABV fees.
Elqui Valley Tour
Visit the home of Chile’s famous Pisco Sour on this full-day, small-group tour of the Elqui Valley from La Serena, including hotel pickup. Uncover the cosmic secrets of the Cochiguaz Valley; tour a Pisco production plant, and indulge in an expert-led Pisco tasting. After tucking into a traditional lunch (included) at a local restaurant, spend time exploring Vicuña, the hometown of Nobel Prize-winning poet Gabriela Mistral.
Isla Damas and Punta Choros from La Serena
Get up close to Chile’s coastal wildlife on this full-day tour from La Serena, including hotel pick-up. Drive past vibrant fields of desert wildflowers (depending on the season), then cruise around the windswept Gull, Choros and Damas islands. After spotting bottlenose dolphins, sea lions and penguins at the Humboldt Penguins National Reserve, tuck into a delicious seafood lunch (included), then spend time relaxing on the islands’ white-sand beaches.
Mamalluca Observatory Including Transfers
At sunset we start our trip to the inner valley of Elqui, by crossing the San Isidro town, we will get The Mamalluca Amateur Observatory, this special place permits to make direct observations of the universe.
The observatory itself has a dome in which an electronic telescope makes the observation possible for you to enjoy a pleasant night contemplation of the stars. Some pictures will be displayed and at the same time an instructive talk about the Southern Hemisphere Star, in a nice and friendly atmosphere all the people will be encouraged by the astronomy of Galileo. After this talk, the night observation of stars, planets, galaxies will be carried out.
Elqui Valley and Vicuña Private Tour Including Lunch
Explore Chile's lush Elqui Valley on a private shore excursion from your La Serena port of call. Set out for this stunning region where the bulk of Chilean pisco is produced, stopping first at Puclaro, artificial reservoir offerings spectacular views of the area. Next tour a pisco factory, learn about the distillation process of this national spirit and enjoy a sampling or two before continuing on to Vicuña, the birth town of poet Gabriela Mistral. Peruse the Gabriela Mistral museum, then enjoy lunch in Villaseca before returning to port.
Festivals and Festivities
Día de las Glorias Navales
The Día de las Glorias Navales takes place on May 21 each year to remember the death of Captain Arturo Prats, a national hero in the Iquique naval battle against Peruvian vessels in the War of the Pacific. Residents of the coastal cities deck out small boats with Chilean flags and cast flowers into the sea to commemorate the event.
Festival of the Virgen del Carmen
From June 12-17 every year, the small town of La Tirana in the Atacama desert hosts the Fiesta de la Tirana, also known as the Festival of the Virgen del Carmen. One of Chile’s most anticipated events, it is characterized by musicians playing drums, flutes, and whistles while dancers clad in macabre carnival-style masks and costumes enact the diablada (dance of the devils) to exorcise demons. The festival also pays homage to Chile’s patron saint, the Catholic Our Lady of Mount Carmel, represents a blending of local indigenous and Catholic traditions and beliefs. People with indigenous heritage make processionals to the Virgin’s sanctuary, take part in masses then rejoice in street parties with stalls selling handicrafts and food.
Fiestas Patrias
Chile celebrates its independence through the Fiestas Patrias on September 18 each year. Street stalls and temporary thatched armadas are erected from tree branches and other materials to house dance floors, bands, and tables. Celebrations include parades, music, dance competitions, traditional Chilean food, and rodeos where two horsemen attempt to correctly coral a calf in an arena for points.
Christmas Eve is a family event on December 25 characterized by gift-giving, eating fruitcake called pan de Pascua and drinking a concoction of spirits, milk, sugar, coffee, and cinnamon called cola de mono. Christmas trees are decorated with fake snow and a nativity scene. Christmas Day is a public holiday when the faithful attend mass and sing carols. Feasting is a large part of the celebration and, as the festivities take place during summer, many go to the beach or take part in other outdoor activities like hiking or rock climbing.
Información General
Meals & Food
Volunteers are usually provided breakfast, lunch and dinner at their accommodation during the week and weekends (read the website for detail description of the meals or ask our staff online). Breakfast typically consists of toast, fruit, eggs, cereal accompanied with milk, tea or coffee. Dinner usually includes: meat (cow, chicken), potato, rice, vegetables, spaghetti and a variety of western food. Volunteers can be away from their accommodation mid-day so they take a lunch bag or they go back home. We recommend budgeting between US$5 and US$10 per day to purchase lunch if you don't return to the host family, let the host family know if you change the lunch plans. If you have specific dietary requirements, our local teams and home-stays can customize to you but be flexible as well.
Start Dates
Most of our programs run year round, you can start any volunteer/internship program on any day. When you apply you will lets know your start and end dates. Our programs run year round and have volunteers arriving almost every day from many different countries.
Since our programs sometimes depend on the local holiday calendar, there are brief occasions when normal programs work is suspended. For example, schools/daycares often close for long winter/summer vacations. During these times, we arrange for alternative work programs that are similar in substance to our ongoing programs, but address the short-term, direct needs of the local communities.
If you would like to arrange your start and end dates around the local holidays, please call us at 1.866.423.3258 or email us at [email protected].
Giving Matters
A Broader View Volunteers work tirelessly year round to support our volunteers, and also to serve the local communities where ABV projects are based. As a tax-exempt 501 c(3) organization A Broader View receive 100% of our funding from volunteer contributions. Through your program fee contribution our non-profit charity organization can operate beneficial humanitarian aid programs which are successful and continuous supported year round.
Local, professional full-time coordinators, placement logistics, airport pick up and departure transportation, arrival orientation, food & local accommodations, are a major part of providing a safe, meaningful volunteer experience. When you join A Broader View, you will receive pre-trip visa and vaccination support, assistance with flights, fundraising planning, through our interactive online volunteer portal. Our local partners not only benefit from volunteers valuable contributions at the project, they benefit financially with year-round monetary support from A Broader View. In the last decade A Broader View has donated over 4.5 million dollars in international aid.
By joining A Broader View you are not only helping to make a difference during your own trip, your impact will last even after you go home.