Volunteer Name: Anna Wang
Project Location: Hanoi, Vietnam
Volunteer At: Children's Center
How would you describe/rate your experience working with the ABV staff in the USA? The ABV staff were amazing. They were very helpful and caring. How was the local ABV Director (Hanh and Terry) and the national support provided? when i first met Hanh at the airport, she was just amazing and warm. she was so caring and helpful. she made all of us feel comfortable and safe.we are so thankful to have her support. and Terry made sure we were taken care of and he was very caring. we all adore them very much!

What was your favorite memory of this trip? the people. The project work was truly life changing for all of us. everyone was so full of love and warmth.
What was the most difficult thing you experienced? the heat but that's expected.
What was the one thing you wished you were better prepared for? learning some sign language!
Personal Paragraph (ABV Program Testimonial): When i first contacted A Broader View about a school mission trip I was nervous and didn't know what i was in for. I have never been out of US and for me to take my students from my church was nerve wrecking. But as i met the local ABV Coordinator Hanh and Luan, we felt safe and comfortable. as we started our day with the children, all of us felt so connected with them. people were so kind and friendly. the two weeks flew by and when it was time for us to return, we wanted to stay for another month or longer. on our last day, tears of joy and warmth poured out from everyone. we all miss everyone and everyone has found a special place in my heart as well as my students. It was truly a blessing and thankful experience.
Are you willing to speak to other potential ABV volunteers? of course. Anna Wang. Hanoi June 2013