How do we compare and differ?
Here at A Broader View Volunteers we are commonly asked how we compare to other organizations such as Doctors w/ Borders. The short answer to this is there are major distinctions between the type of programs offered and where the projects are based.

Doctors w/ Borders is a medical humanitarian aid group focused in areas of unrest, refugee/war torn areas, in natural disaster areas - and seek professional medical personnel to provide crisis medical aid to people in dire need of assistance. Requirements: experienced licensed professionals, 9-12-month program commitment and a lengthy application process.
A Broader View Volunteers is a non-profit charity organization which arranges short term medical mission placements, internships, medical electives year-round in worldwide locations - we are not a relief organization. Requirements: professionals as well as undergraduates and students welcome, 1-12-week program commitment and accelerated application process (days, not months).
How can I get involved in a medical placement with A Broader View?
A Broader View Volunteers offers medical/nursing/dental programs in 20 countries through Central and South America, in Africa and parts of Asia. Programs areas including medical, nursing, dental fields focused in physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, elderly care, midwifery, public health, pharmacy, emergency medicine, and rehabilitation areas. Volunteer choose their own location, program start date and length of program and apply online.

A Broader View Volunteers thrives on the efforts of our volunteers. All of whom contribute to the current needs and initiatives on-site. Whether you're learning about tropical medicine in the local hospital, giving dental health education classes, working on the ambulance or observing surgery, your experience will give you a better understanding of global health volunteering.
Today, hundreds of ABV volunteer physicians, nurses, dentists, and other medical personnel are working work in hospitals & clinics around the world. ABV Volunteers support the work in disease prevention, pre-natal & maternity care, community health, woman's health needs and more.
Our health care programs are customized and designed for:
- High school students interested in a healthcare career
- Medical and nursing college undergraduates
- Medical students and Student nurses currently enrolled in medical/nursing school
- Licensed practicing professionals: doctors, dentists, nurses, physician assistants, EMTS
- Retired professionals
"Volunteering to provide medical, nursing and dental care here in La Ceiba Honduras was one of the most memorable and rewarding experiences of my life. The people here really need the care and the equipment that we donated. It was also rewarding being able to perform and teach some extremely useful Oral & Maxillofacial surgical procedures on the patients and doctors working here (respectively). I would highly recommend doing this program here in La Ceiba Honduras to anyone.."
Dr. Nicholas Gadler
Medicine and Dental, Medicine in Honduras
Fundraising & Diplomas
Once you apply for this program we will provide in your ABV account a list of websites that will give medical donations for you to take in the volunteer trip: from gauze, medications, cleaning and sterilization and many other items.
We will also provide an option to fundraise for the expenses of the trip, you will be able to tax deduct the cost of the program and your donors can also tax deduct the donation from your campaign.
At the end of the program we will provide an accomplishment diploma and the clinic/hospital will also provide a certification upon request at the hospital. And if you have enough hours volunteering we can provide a Presidential Award diploma and pin as well (only US volunteers).