Brynna Volunteer in Bulenga, Uganda

Volunteer Name: Brynna Boettcher
Project Location: Bulenga, Uganda         
Volunteered At: Orphanage, School, Community work

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What was your favorite memory of this trip? My favorite student fell asleep on my lap at school one day.

What was the most difficult thing you experienced?   Homesickness. Phyiscal sickness and seeing kids in my class sick.

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What was the one thing you wished you were better prepared for?  Food and internet.  Internet is dial up, now like home. Smart phones did not work.

Any tips for future volunteers… (clothing, travel, personal items, donations, sightseeing etc)  
Pack snacks and other none perishable food like canned chicken/tuna, mac and cheese, oatmeal and mayonnaise.

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How would you describe/rate your experience working with the ABV staff  in the USA?
Good.  Sarah is incredibly helpful at preparing you for the trip.

How was the local ABV Director and the support provided in-country?
Derrick is so helpful and attentive. Shalarah takes great care of everyone's needs.

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Personal Paragraph (ABV Program Testimonial): My trip here was great!  Go to Uganda, it is an amazing place

Are you willing to speak to other potential ABV volunteers?  Yes

Language Immersion:

* Price in US dollars
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