Overall, I absolutely loved my experience in Cusco, Peru. It was definitely the best way I could have spent my one week of spring break. Although I volunteered in a medical setting, I would have liked to been included more in working with patients. That being said, I do feel as though I made a difference in the lives of some – the children. If asked whether or not I would sign up for this trip all over again, I would absolutely say, “Yes.” - Creighton DeYoung
I loved my time in Cusco. This is such a beautiful city and country with such caring residents. Being able to experience physical the
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Volunteer Name: Sophia Dong Project Location: Cusco, Peru Volunteered at:
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Volunteer Name: Sally Lam Project Location: Cusco, Peru Volunteered at:
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Volunteer Name: Lauren Somero Project Location: Cusco Peru Volunteered at:
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Volunteer Name: Caitlin Friel Project Location: Cusco-Peru. Volunteered at:
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Volunteer Name: Kaitlin Himle Project Location: Cusco, Peru Volunteered at:
Volunteer Name: Amelia Kendall Project Location: Cusco, Peru Volunteered at:
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