Volunteer Review Ozlem Colak in Peru Cusco Orphanage program

1- How was the local ABV Coordinator/staff and the support provided in-country?
Beatriz was excellent. I got all the support I needed.
2- What was the most surprising thing you experienced?
Program: In the orphanage, there was a girl whom I taught some English. Afterwards that girl wrote me a letter which was about her happiness and appreciation. It was amazing for me.
Host Family: The family was great.
Country: In Peru, people were so kind and sincere to me.
3- What was the most challenging thing you experienced?
Program: I didn’t have anything challenging.
Host Family: I didn’t have anything challenging.
Country: I didn’t have anything challenging.

4- Any tips for future volunteers… (clothing, travel, personal items, donations)
1. Future volunteers need to take some casual clothes and an umbrella.
2. They don’t need to take lots of stuffs with them.
3. Definitely they need to get sun-screen for the sunny days.
5.1-Other things volunteers should know before coming here:
a. They couldn’t get the conditions that they have in their countries. They always should be flexible and easy going with new things.
6- Personal Paragraph about the experience (ABV Program Testimonial):
It was an amazing experience for me. It has contributed in lots of things to me and to my sense of view for life. I have improved my personality and I learnt the love for the children.
7- How would you describe your accommodation, meals, security, friendliness, quality others:
My accommodation was provided by Ana, my host mom, and Dante, my host dad. They were so friendly to me. In their home I felt very secure and comfortable.
8- What was your favorite memory of this trip?
Program: At the orphanage, I have taken my best present so far. It was a letter from a girl. I will never forget it.
Host Family: They were so nice and helpful.
Country: Machupicchu is a must.

9- How was the ABV USA support prior traveling?
Communication with ABV USA, was so effective. I got all responds to my concerns about the program from them.
9.1- What do you think about the reservation system online?
It was excellent.
9.2- Who did you find Abroaderview website
I found it in the search engine.
10 – Are you willing to speak to other potential ABV volunteers?
Yes, I’m willing to speak to them.