Volunteer Review Mackenzie Campbell in Honduras La Ceiba PreMed program

1.-How was the local ABV Coordinator and the support provided in-country?
It was great! Rafael made sure we were taken care of at all times and was always willing to answer any of our questions. Everything ran very smoothly.
2- What was the most surprising thing you experienced?
At the program: How the patients had to bring their own supplies in order to be taken care of. I couldn’t imagine having to worry about having the proper supplies during an emergency. In turn, it is amazing to see how the nurses and doctors work in such a limited environment.
At the accommodation: How nice the house was! We lived in a beautiful gated home and were lucky enough to live with other volunteers which allowed us to become closer and go on excursions together.
About the country: How friendly the people are! Obviously you have to be cautious but I found that the people here were very kind and even helped translate for me if it was clear I was having trouble.

3- What was most difficult to experience?
At the program: Seeing people that came into the ER in so much pain. In America, the second you are admitted you are given pain medication but in Honduras most people had to wait a while and were only given it during stitches. It is amazing how tough these people are.
At the accommodation: I guess it would be the cold water when you shower but I had no problem hopping right in after a long and hot day at the hospital.
The country: This was my first time going to a country that was so culturally different and it was hard to see the poverty that some of these people live in. It definitely puts things into perspective for going back home.
4- Any tips for future volunteers…
Clothing: It is hot so bring lots of scrubs and light clothing to sleep in. I brought a rain jacket because I heard it rains but I never used it. Also, bring running shoes for hiking and any excursions!
Donations: Bring a lot of gauze, gloves, tape, and scissors. Although these things seem trivial for us, it is treated like gold down here.
Weather: Weather was great! It is hot so bring light clothing and things to change into between the clinic and hospital.

4.1-Other things volunteers should know:
a.- Don’t worry if you are a picky eater. Just communicate and you will be fine! There are also plenty of restaurants to eat at.
b.- I would recommend going for longer than a week. My time here flew by and I cant believe it is almost time for me to go!
5- Personal Paragraph (ABV Program Testimonial), don’t leave blank:
I couldn’t have asked for a better trip to Honduras. I gained so many experiences that I may never even have in America and I couldn’t be more thankful. If you are on the edge about going, just go! You will definitely not regret anything.
6- How would you describe your accommodation, meals and security:
The house was great. The neighborhood was lovely, the houses are all gated, and we definitely felt welcomed. Meals were also great! I am not a picky eater so it wasn’t hard for me but it is easy to communicate so if you are a vegetarian or something, let them know! I also never felt unsafe. Be smart when you are here obviously, but I wasn’t worried once.

7- What was your favorite memory of this trip?
Program: Each and every new experience I had. From cutting a newborns umbilical cord to casting to giving injections, everything was incredible and I felt more than confident in my abilities.
Country: Going hiking with Henry! If you have the chance, you should definitely go. It was beautiful and the water was a great way to cool off!
8.- How was the ABV USA support prior traveling?
Communication (Phone/emails/Online chat): Awesome. Every email I had was responded to promptly and fully. It made my planning very easy.
9 – Are you willing to speak to other potential ABV volunteers?
Yes, of course!
10 – Can you tell us how did you find or know about A Broader View?
I heard about it from friends who also came to Honduras!