Lauren Volunteer in Punteranes, Costa Rica

Volunteer Name: Lauren Thompson
Project Location: Punteranes Costa Rica
Volunteered At: Sea Turtle Project

How would you describe/rate your experience working with the ABV organization? amazing and worthwhile

Would you consider volunteering again with the ABV organization? definitely

What was your favorite memory of this trip? getting to know and work with all the other volunteers from around the World.

What was the most difficult thing you experienced? adjusting to new living conditions

Any tips for future volunteers… (clothing, travel, personal items, donations, sightseeing etc)
definitely bring dark pants, a mosquito net, plenty of bug spray, after bite and sun block

Personal Paragraph (ABV Program Testimonial): This was my first time ever traveling out of my home country. I truly loved visiting Costa Rica – it has the most natural beauty of any place I have ever been, and people dedication to conservation and eco-awareness are inspiring. I definitely want to see more of Costa Rica and other countries now.

Are you willing to speak to other potential ABV volunteers? Yes

Language Immersion:

* Price in US dollars
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