Volunteer Review Julie Koenig in Belize Orphanage Program University of Dayton

My Favorite Memory
How considerate the children were of each other. Especially the older boys with the younger kids. I loved how if one of the older boys saw a younger kid doing something they shouldn't be doing, they would take a parent role and help correct them.
I was surprised that…
All the children's attitudes were so uplifting even in the situation they're in.
The most difficult thing I experienced was…
Realizing how there are few people who will actually try to understand the lives that people in Belize, or anywhere else in the world for that matter, live and how culturally misinformed many of us are.
My best lesson received was…
With every situation you are in, you can learn a very valuable lesson. Even while simply driving into the city with one of the caregivers, I learned how concerned they were with issues that even in America teens are dealing with.
Tip for future volunteers
Don't come in expecting much. Everything is so much better when you go in open-minded and ready for anything. Also, while in the cars, sit upfront so you can get a chance to talk to the drivers. They've lived amazing lives and hearing their stories can make you wiser.
Personal Paragraph/ Testimony
Coming into this program, the first hour we got here, all I could think was "what did I get myself into" I am so glad that I got to experience everything I have. It has changed me as a person for the better and I hope to use that to help change others for the better.
How would you describe your accommodations?
The housing was way better than I expected.
Are you willing to speak to other potential ABV volunteers?