Feedback Emily Roca Volunteer in Belize Orphanage

Volunteer Name: Emily Roca
Project Location: Belize
Volunteered at: Orphanage

Feedback Emily Roca Volunteer in belize

My Favorite Memory:
Connecting and growing so close with the kids.

I was surprised that….
All 44 kids referred to each other as their brothers and sisters, it is very heart warming

The most difficult thing I experienced was…..
Realizing some of these children have very painful past.

My best received lesson…..
No matter what, love and compassion is always the best choice.

Tip for future volunteers…..   
Visit Caye Caulker, Old Belize and Manatee lookout in the neighborhood.

Personal paragraph (Testimonial):
Overall, I really enjoyed my volunteer experience. Belize is beautiful the children and people I’ll never forget.

How would you rate your experience working with the ABV staff, both in the USA and in country?

How would you describe your accommodation
Lovely location, wonderful children, great volunteers to share this experience with.

Are you willing to speak to other potential ABV volunteers?

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Language Immersion:

* Price in US dollars
Toll Free: US/CA (1) 866-423-3258